Use the following instructions to reset your local account password. Your local account signs you in on your device offline, but it doesn't link to your other devices. For a more complete experience, we recommend you sign in with a Microsoft account to access services like Outlook, Skype, and OneDrive on any of your devices.
If you forgot your Windows 11 password, the easiest way to windows 10 reset local user password free download back into your account is to reset the password for your Microsoft account. Windows 10 reset local user password free download you added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 11, then you can answer security questions to sign back in. Select the Reset password link on the sign-in screen.
If you're using a work device that's on a network, you may not see an option to reset your password or PIN. In that case, contact your administrator. If you forgot your Windows 10 password, the easiest way to get back into your account is to reset the password for your Microsoft account.
Reset local account password for Windows 10, version and beyond. If you added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 10, then you have at least version and you can answer security questions to sign back in. Reset local account password for Windows 10, before version For versions of Windows 10 earlier thanlocal account passwords can't be reset because there are no security questions.
You can reset your device to choose a new password, however this option will permanently delete your data, programs, and settings. If you've backed up your files you'll be able to restore your deleted files. For more information, see Recovery options in Windows. Table of contents. Windows account help. Sign in. Windows Hello. Reset your password. Reset your PIN. Manage accounts on your PC.
Windows 11 Windows 10 More Reset local account password for Windows 11 If you added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 11, then you can answer security questions to sign back in. After you've entered an incorrect password: Select the Reset password link on the sign-in screen. Answer your security questions. Enter a new password. Sign in as usual with the new password. Reset local account password for Windows 10, version and beyond If you added security questions when you set up your local account for Windows 10, then you have at least version and you can answer security questions to sign back in.
Reset local account password for Windows 10, before version For versions of Windows 10 earlier thanlocal account passwords windows 10 reset local user password free download be reset because there are no security questions. Select Remove everything. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful?
Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Windows 10 reset local user password free download you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn't match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback!