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Topics Tales ofAbyssguidestrategywalkthroughbradygames Collection opensource Language English. A Bradygames Official strategy guide for Tales of the Abyss. There are no reviews yet. Be the first one tales of the abyss collectors book guide free download write a review.
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Item Guide by MoonstalkerZ Version: 0. Introduction [] 2. Item List [] a. Tools [] b. Weapons [] c. Armor [] d. Accessories [] e. Food [] f. Valuables [] 3. Shop List [] a. Baticul [] b. Engeve [] c. Binah [] d. Kaitzur [] e. Kaitzur Naval Port [] f. Chesedonia [] g. Desert Oasis [] h. Akzeriuth [] i. Yulia City [] j. Daath [] tales of the abyss collectors book guide free download. Grand Chokmah [] l.
Sheridan [] m. Keterburg [] n. Belkend [] 4. Items by Dungeon [] a. Tataroo Valley Nighttime [] b. Cheagle Woods [] c. The Tartarus [] d. Fubras River [] e. Choral Castle [] f. Abandoned Factory [] g. Zao Ruins [] h. Deo Pass [] i. Akzeriuth [] j. Ortion Cavern 1 [] k. Aramis Spring [] l. Oracle Headquarters [] m. Theor Forest [] n. Meggiora Highlands 1 [] o. Shurrey Hill [] p. Zao Ruins 2 [] q. Inista Marsh [] r. Tataroo Valley 2 [] s. Meggiora Highlands 2 [] t. Mount Zaleho 1 [] u. Mount Roneal [] v.
Absorption Gate [] w. Mount Zaleho 2 [] x. Isle of Feres [] y. Tower of Rem [] z. Radiation Gate [] aa. Eldrant [] bb. Mushroom Road Optional [] cc. Ortion Cavern 2 Optional [] dd. Replica Facility Optional second playthrough only [] 5. FAQ [] 6. Change Log [] 7. Because Jade is just that splendiferous. A couple things: 1. At the moment, only GameFAQs is allowed to host this guide, cuz I don't want to have to deal with updating at multiple websites. Questions, comments, corrections, additions, etc are welcome.
Don't steal this guide, okay? If you see this anywhere else, tales of the abyss collectors book guide free download you think it's being used without my permission, please contact me.
There WILL be spoilers in this guide, and I will not be marking them, as you can only get all the items on the second playthrough or later anyway.
Gels [] ii. Bottles [] iii. Herbs [] iv. Battle [] For common items, I won't be listing chests, as, if you hadn't noticed, there's a lot of them.
So I won't be listing every single chest containing an Apple Gel in the game. For less common items, however, such as Hourglasses or herbs, I will list their locations.
The most popular medicine in Auldrant. The apple flavor makes the medicine go down easily. More potent than Apple Gel. Children test their courage by eating them. Relieves mental fatigue and helps you concentrate. The orange flavor makes the medicine go down easily. Made for adults, like the Lemon Gel.
Consumed in large quantities by Fonists in the Malkuth forces. Binah -Melange Gel- Description Made with various fruit juices, this gummi has multiple effects. It replenishes energy and also relieves mental fatigue. Binah -Miracle Gel- Description A miraculous gummi, just as its name implies. One bite will give energy to even the most haggard hero.
Its potency has given it a reputation as an "adult" gummi. Maybe not. You won't know until you try it. Binah -Holy Bottle- Description A vessel holding pure holiness. Monsters notice the party less. Monsters notice the party more. Transports party to a dungeon's entrance.