4 hazel avenue macclesfield free download.Property details for 4 Hazel Avenue Macclesfield SK11 7UL - Zoopla

Use Zoopla to view property details for 4 Hazel Avenue Macclesfield SK11 7UL including a current value estimate, local information, birdseye views and more. Close cookie banner We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our site, and so that we and third parties can show you more personalised ads, including adverts on other. Hazel Avenue is in Macclesfield and in Cheshire East district. SK11 7UL is located in the Macclesfield South electoral ward, within the English Parliamentary constituency of Macclesfield. This postcode has been in use since StreetScan combines information about Hazel Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7UL and displays a report on the. In June the average sale price for the 50 nearest sales within two miles of 4 HAZEL AVENUE was £, In September the average sale price for the 1 nearest sales was £, This is a change of %. So taking the original purchase price of £, and adjusting it by % gives an estimated price of £,

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    In June the average sale price for the 50 nearest sales within two miles of 4 HAZEL AVENUE was £, In September the average sale price for the 1 nearest sales was £, This is a change of %. So taking the original purchase price of £, and adjusting it by % gives an estimated price of £, The property you are viewing is located at 4 Hazel Avenue, Macclesfield SK11 7UL. This is a Property with an estimated value of £, The average value of properties on Hazel Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 is £, while the overall average value .

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    The property you are viewing is located at 4 Hazel Avenue, Macclesfield SK11 7UL. This is a Property with an estimated value of £, The average value of properties on Hazel Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 is £, while the overall average value . 4 Hazel Avenue Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7UL. Property Information. Property type: Freehold Detached House Sold Date: or download a sample report. Get a Property Report and find more about this address: Property Details | Residents | Estimated Value | Crime | Schools and more.

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    Hazel Avenue is in Macclesfield and in Cheshire East district. SK11 7UL is located in the Macclesfield South electoral ward, within the English Parliamentary constituency of Macclesfield. This postcode has been in use since StreetScan combines information about Hazel Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7UL and displays a report on the.

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