Acronis True Image Build BootCD adalah versi terbaru dari Acronis True Image yang berfungsi untuk melakukan backup dan restor sistem windows yang terinstal di pc atau laptop kita. Anda tentunya tidak mau bukan jika terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan dengan windows anda dan menyebabkan gagal booting.
Jika setiap kali terjadi masalah seperti ini dan anda harus menginstal ulang dari awal tentunya hal ini akan terasa sangat menjengkelkan bukan? Nah untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, anda dapat melakukan backup sistem windows anda yang sudah full aplikasi menggunakan aplikasi Acronis True Image Terbaru ini. Sehingga jika suatu saat terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan, anda dapat mengembalikan sistem windows anda yang sudah lengkap dengan program-programnya dengan cepat dan mudah tanpa perlu melakukan fresh instal.
Acronis True Image is a full-system image backup solution for your PC. It can back up your documents, photos, email, and selected partitions, and even the entire disk drive, including operating system, applications, settings, and all of your data. Software Acronis True Image Terbaru ini dapat juga anda guakan untuk melakukan restore pada pc yang berbeda dengan catatan spesifikasinya sama dengan pc yang dibuat backup.
Jika spesifikasinya berbeda anda juga tetap dapat melakukan restore backup windows pada pc tersebut dengan catatan anda memberikan folder patch tempat penyimpanan driver dari pc tersebut, agar tidak terjadi masalah ketika melakukan restore windows.
Jadi yang perlu anda lakukan adalah memburning file ISO ini ke CD atau DVD dan langsung dapat anda gunakan untuk melakukan backup sistem windows lengkap dengan aplikasi dan driver yang sudah terinstal. Back up your mobile device content Mobile phone operating systems take care of applications and settings.
Acronis protects photos, videos, contacts, reminders, and calendar appointments. Now, you can back up mobile devices to a local Windows computer in addition to the cloud. I used the older clone to reinstall Windows since it was newer and larger than the old HD. Some software is under old windows but will not start up. Acronis is one of them. I wasn't too worried because, hey I have a new computer hard drive, MB ram more than 32 bit windows can use - another sign the "expert" does not know what he is doing - so what could go wrong?
Well, yesterday I had a major problem getting windows to boot. After many repair attempts I finally got it up but after 7 hours of dealing with it I stupidly turned it off. This morning I couldn't get it to boot at all. Kept getting to the Windows logo then a black screen. So, I ordered a new computer! With no other ideas I went into the BIOS and noticed that the boot order was a flash drive first no flash drive connected the optical drive second and the hard drive third.
I put the hard drive first and Windows booted right up. How can I get my Acronis software back? I think I have the registration key somewhere but I am not sure.
I couldn't find an account that I can sign into. Is it even possible to reinstall it on another computer or what looks like another computer with the new MB. I could just save all of my personal files and then go find all of my software again and reinstall. I can't find a way to edit, but by "expert" I mean the guy who upgraded the hardware - not the people here who helped me.
Karin, if you do not know your Acronis account information, then you will need to contact Acronis Support via their Support link on the forum pages and let them try to identify your account based on any email addresses that you may have used to register your software. If you have an Acronis bootable CD created from when the software was installed previously, then you could boot from this to make an offline full backup of the computer as it is today.
Note: Please do not expect any instant reply for private messages as I am often unable to access these due to forum timeout errors! I found my account but it only listed Acronis I found the product key in my emails and the downloaded file for on my computer.
I reinstalled it and it activated okay. I was worried that I would only be able to activate it once. I am currently doing a full back up. I see there is some discussion elsewhere about this but now if you don't mind my asking a related question:. What can I do with the full back up? The new computer will be all set up with the 64 bit version of win7. The one I am backing up has the 32 bit version of win 7 and obvious different drivers, etc.