The serial number you purchased is for the use of the software in a specific language, and will only be accepted by a product installed in that language. Volume licensing customers cannot purchase a volume license from a trial directly, however a volume licensing serial number can be entered in the trial software without having to uninstall and reinstall.
Please contact your reseller or authorized Adobe licensing center to place an order for a volume license. This product is offered subject to your acceptance of the license agreement included with the media and to limited warranty terms. See the Adobe Software License Agreement for details. The software may automatically attempt to activate over the Internet. No personally identifiable information will be transmitted, except to the extent that IP addresses may be considered personally identifiable in some jurisdictions.
Note: If you want to install a product on a different computer, you should first deactivate the serial number on your computer. Deactivation of a serial number will apply to all components activated with that serial number. If you launch a product on the same computer after deactivating, it will activate again. When you install your software, be sure to register to get up-to-date product information, training, newsletters, and invitations to Adobe events and seminars.
All font related documentation is online. The Creative Suite 4 installer installs fonts into a default system font directory.
Many of these fonts are newer versions of fonts installed by Creative Suite 3. If the installer finds older versions of these fonts in the default system font directory, it will de-install the older versions, and save them to a new directory.
The default system font directory is:. This new directory will also contain a file named "Read Me. You can re-install the older fonts by deleting the new font files from the default system font directory, and moving the old files back into that directory.
There are additional fonts on the installation disk. Please refer to Adobe Support for late-breaking information and known issues for all Creative Suite 4 applications. Adobe Customer Service provides assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other non-technical issues. To find out how to contact Adobe Customer Service, please visit Adobe.
Free troubleshooting resources include the Adobe support knowledgebase, Adobe user-to-user forums and more. We are continually making additional tools and information available online in order to provide you with flexible options for resolving issues as fast as possible.
If you are having any issues with installing or uninstalling any of your Creative Suite 4 applications, please try rebooting your system prior to contacting Support. For additional CS4 installation help, go to www. Order printed documentation at www. For complete Help plus community-based instruction, inspiration, and support, go to www.
Once Bridge opens, click on the Bridge Home button in the Favorites panel. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Creative Suite 4 Web Premium applications Minimum system requirements Install your software Uninstall your software Purchase from a trial Electronic licensing Registration information Font installation Known issues Customer care Other resources Individual product information.
Creative Suite 4 Web Premium applications. Minimum system requirements. Install your software. Before you install, close all applications currently running on your system;including other Adobe applications, Microsoft Office applications, and browser windows. It is also recommended to temporarily turn off virus protection during the installation process. You must have administrative privileges or be able to validate as an administrator. Do one of the following: On Windows:.
Insert the DVD in your drive, and follow the on-screen instructions. If the installer does not launch automatically, navigate to the Adobe CS4 folder found at the root level on your disk and double-click Setup. If you downloaded the software from the web, open the folder, navigate to the Adobe CS4 folder, double-click Setup. On Mac OS:. If the installer does not launch automatically, navigate to the application folder found at the root level on your disk and double-click Setup Mac OS to start the installation process.
If you downloaded the software from the web, open the folder, navigate to the application folder, double-click Setup, and then follow the on-screen instructions. If you are installing as an upgrade, the installer will check your system to find the valid upgrade product. If it cannot find it, it will ask you to input the serial number of the product being upgraded.
You can also install the software in trial, then input your new and previous serial numbers in the serialization screen shown during launch. Known issues On Mac after installation, your system performance may seem slower. Rebooting your system after installation will resolve this.
BG If you launch Acrobat 9 as the first application following the installation of Creative Suite 4, you will receive the message, "You must launch another Creative Suite application. Software Setup screen and "Adobe Acrobat Distiller was unable to install and must quit" error message will be displayed when Acrobat Distiller is launched as the first application after suite installation.
Go from concept to delivery in one highly integrated environment with everything you need to prototype your project, design assets and move them fluidly between components, transform static graphics into dynamic animations, and create engaging experiences that push the boundaries of interactive design.
If your focus is strictly on Web production, use Creative Suite 4 Web Standard to efficiently build online experiences, maintain websites, and update content. Whichever edition you choose, you can tap into compelling new services like InContext Editing, which allows your clients or colleagues to make simple edits to a website without impacting the integrity of your design.
Creative Suite 4 Web Premium is ideal for Web designers and developers, interactive designers, mobile designers and developers, who can use it to design and maintain interactive Web sites, applications, user interfaces, online advertising, presentations, mobile device content, and other digital experiences, from prototype to final output. Content-Aware Scaling: Automatically recompose an image as you resize it, preserving vital areas as the image adapts to the new dimensions.
Smoother rotation, panning, and zooming: Gracefully navigate to any area of an image, zoom to individual pixels, and edit at the highest magnification. Smoothly rotate the image view to any angle. Multiple artboards: Create files containing up to artboards of varying sizes. Blob Brush tool: Sketch with a brush that generates a single clean vector shape. Manage forms, reviews, and sharing: Create forms and easily aggregate the data collected from them, store files online, and more with Acrobat.
Speech Search: Turn spoken dialogue into text-based, timecode-accurate metadata that makes your video searchable. Multitrack support: Work on more than one mono or stereo file at a time.
Create sounds composed of multiple clips and mix multiple tracks and scores. WinSite specialty archive. WinSite info center.